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Ball Bounded by Thumby Screen

This example shows a modified snippet of the Brick Breaker Thumby game called Brick'd. When run, the ball Sprite in the program will bounce against the bounded walls of the Thumby screen.

Bouncing ball
Bounded Bouncing Ball

import thumby

# Bitmaps
ballMap = bytearray([6,15,15,6]) # BITMAP: width: 4, height: 4

# Sprite data
ballSprite = thumby.Sprite(4, 4, ballMap, key=0)
ballSprite.x = 0 # Initial placement of ball and movable game pad
ballSprite.y = 40

# Initial ball direction and movement 
ballDir = 2
ballMove = 1

thumby.display.setFPS(45) # set frame rate, between 30-60 is usually best

# Begin main game loop that runs for the course of the game
    thumby.display.fill(0) # Fill canvas to black

    # Ball movement directions following the pattern:
    #   3 \/ 2
    #   0 /\ 1
    if ballDir == 0: 
        ballSprite.x -= ballMove # left-down
        ballSprite.y += ballMove
    if ballDir == 1:
        ballSprite.x += ballMove # right-down
        ballSprite.y += ballMove
    if ballDir == 2:
        ballSprite.x += ballMove # right-up
        ballSprite.y -= ballMove
    if ballDir == 3:
        ballSprite.x -= ballMove # left-up
        ballSprite.y -= ballMove

    if ballSprite.x <= 0 and ballDir == 0: # left side of screen |/ 0-ld, 2-ru
        ballDir = 1                        #                     |\ 1-rd, 3-lu
    elif ballSprite.x <= 0 and ballDir == 3: 
        ballDir = 2
    elif (ballSprite.x + 4) >= 72 and ballDir == 1: # right side of screen 
        ballDir = 0
    elif (ballSprite.x + 4) >= 72 and ballDir == 2: 
        ballDir = 3
    elif ballSprite.y <= 0 and ballDir == 2: # top of screen
        ballDir = 1
    elif ballSprite.y <= 0 and ballDir == 3: 
        ballDir = 0
    elif (ballSprite.y + 4) >= 40 and ballDir == 1:  # bottom of screen 
        ballDir = 2
    elif (ballSprite.y + 4) >= 40 and ballDir == 0: 
        ballDir = 3


Bounce ball with physics

Since this implementation uses fractions rather than whole numbers, the ball appears to jiggle as it moves on the screen.

Bouncing ball
Bounded Bouncing Ball using Velocity

This jiggling appearance seen in the above animation can be minimized by increasing the FPS to 60, or above; increased FPS will make movement more smooth.

import thumby

# Bitmaps
ballMap = bytearray([6,15,15,6]) # BITMAP: width: 4, height: 4

# Sprite data
ballSprite = thumby.Sprite(4, 4, ballMap, key=0)

# Initial placement of ball
ballSprite.x = 33
ballSprite.y = 17

# Add some velocity attributes
ballSprite.xVel = 0.65
ballSprite.yVel = 0.9

# set frame rate, between 30-60 is usually best

# Begin main game loop that runs for the course of the game
    # Fill canvas to black

    ballSprite.x += ballSprite.xVel
    ballSprite.y += ballSprite.yVel

    if ballSprite.x < 0 or ballSprite.x > thumby.display.width - 3:
        ballSprite.xVel = -ballSprite.xVel

    if ballSprite.y < 0 or ballSprite.y > thumby.display.height - 3:
        ballSprite.yVel = -ballSprite.yVel

    # Display sprites and update screen
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