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Jump a Sprite

To make a sprite jump, you need to change the coordinates of where the sprite is moving during a jump action, all while clearing and updating the screen to show the full jump movement. This example sprite has no other movement than jumping up and landing back in its original spot when using the A action button.

Jump gif
Sprite jumping up and falling down on Y plane

import thumby

# Stand and Jump bitmaps: width: 13, height: 9
standMap = bytearray([16,8,4,60,194,74,66,74,194,60,4,8,16,
jumpMap = bytearray([1,2,4,60,194,74,66,74,194,60,4,2,1,

# Make a sprite consisting of two frames
jumpSprite = thumby.Sprite(13, 9, standMap+jumpMap, key=0)

# Initial placement - middle, bottom of screen
jumpSprite.x = 29
jumpSprite.y = 30

# Number of pixels sprite will move - increasing this makes movement choppy 
jumpNum = 1

# Limit game refresh rate to 30 times a second, max

# Begin main game loop that runs for the course of the game
    thumby.display.fill(0) # Fill canvas to black

    if thumby.buttonA.justPressed() and jumpSprite.y >= 20: # limit the height the Sprite can reach when jumping
        for i in range (0, 10): # jump up 10 pixels
            jumpSprite.y -= jumpNum 
            thumby.display.drawSprite(jumpSprite) # draw jumping sprite while jumping
            thumby.display.update() # redraw sprite during jump frames
        thumby.display.drawSprite(jumpSprite) # draw standing sprite while falling & standing
        if jumpSprite.y <= 30: 
            jumpSprite.y += jumpNum

    # Update screen

Jump with Velocity

Jump gif
Sprite jumping Y plane using velocity

import thumby

# Stand and Jump bitmaps: width: 13, height: 9
standMap = bytearray([16,8,4,60,194,74,66,74,194,60,4,8,16,
jumpMap = bytearray([1,2,4,60,194,74,66,74,194,60,4,2,1,

# Make a sprite consisting of two frames
sprite = thumby.Sprite(13, 9, standMap+jumpMap, key=0)

# Initial placement - middle, bottom of screen
sprite.x = 29
sprite.y = 30

# Add some velocity attributes to the sprite
sprite.xVel = 0
sprite.yVel = 0

# Limit game refresh rate to 60 times a second, max

# Begin main game loop that runs for the course of the game
    # Fill canvas to black

    # When A is pressed and the sprite is on the ground,
    # jump by setting velocity. Show the sprite's jump frame
    if thumby.buttonA.pressed() and sprite.yVel == 0:
        sprite.yVel = 2.5

    # Apply y velocity to y position
    sprite.y -= sprite.yVel

    # Only apply 'gravity' if sprite vertical velocity not zero
    if sprite.yVel != 0:
        sprite.yVel -= 0.15

    # Sprite hit the ground, make sure it's on the ground exactly,
    # velcoity returned to zero, and that it is back to standing
    if sprite.y >= 30:
        sprite.y = 30
        sprite.yVel = 0

    # Draw sprite and update screen

Parabolic Jump with Velocity

Jump gif
Parabolic jumping using X and Y planes

import thumby

# Stand and Jump bitmaps: width: 13, height: 9
standMap = bytearray([16,8,4,60,194,74,66,74,194,60,4,8,16,
jumpMap = bytearray([1,2,4,60,194,74,66,74,194,60,4,2,1,

# Make a sprite consisting of two frames
sprite = thumby.Sprite(13, 9, standMap+jumpMap, key=0)

# Initial placement - middle, bottom of screen
sprite.x = 29
sprite.y = 30

# Add some velocity attributes to the sprite
sprite.xVel = 0
sprite.yVel = 0

# Limit game refresh rate to 60 times a second, max

# Begin main game loop that runs for the course of the game
    # Fill canvas to black

    # When A is pressed and the sprite is on the ground,
    # jump by setting velocity. Show the sprite's jump frame
    if thumby.buttonA.pressed() and sprite.yVel == 0:
        sprite.yVel = 2.5

    if thumby.buttonL.pressed() and sprite.xVel >= -1.95:
        sprite.xVel -= 0.05

    if thumby.buttonR.pressed() and sprite.xVel <= 1.95:
        sprite.xVel += 0.05

    sprite.x += sprite.xVel
    sprite.y -= sprite.yVel

    # Only apply 'gravity' if sprite vertical velocity not zero
    if sprite.yVel != 0:
        sprite.yVel -= 0.15

    if sprite.xVel <= -0.05:
        sprite.xVel += 0.05/2
    elif sprite.xVel >= 0.05:
        sprite.xVel -= 0.05/2
        sprite.xVel = 0

    # Sprite hit the ground, make sure it's on the ground exactly,
    # velcoity returned to zero, and that it is back to standing
    if sprite.y >= 30:
        sprite.y = 30
        sprite.yVel = 0

    # Draw sprite and update screen
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